Masoud Dehghan; Behnaz Vahabian
Abstract The purpose of this study was to study and read the metaphors used in the poems of Shamloo and Bahar from a linguistic standpoint. They are contemporary poets, the former ...
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Abstract The purpose of this study was to study and read the metaphors used in the poems of Shamloo and Bahar from a linguistic standpoint. They are contemporary poets, the former composing Sepid Poems (literally meaning white, a kind of free verse) and the latter, classical ones. Data analysis has been carried out based on the Cognitive approach and in particular on the Fauconnier and Turner's Conceptual Blending Theory (henceforth CBT model) (1994, 1998, 2002) which aims to provide a general cognitive model for meaning-construction and creativity. In this theory, not only is metaphor used in the two domains of source and target, but also refers to the third domain in the emergence of the audience's mental conceptualization, which is obtained from the mapping of the two domains of source and target. The present study is a qualitative–descriptive– analytical research in which due to space limitations imposed by the journal policy, the authors, employing the CBT model, have randomly examined metaphors used in the poems of Shamloo and Bahar. The findings have showed that the metaphors and combinations used in this collection of poems through blending, composition and completion have created new spaces. That is, in addition to the two domains of source and target, another emerging space has been created in such a way that Shamloo and Bahar in their poems have gone beyond the concept of the Conceptual Metaphor Theory (henceforth CMT model)proposed by Lakoff and Johnson (1980) and have used the CBT model. The findings indicate that the metaphors used in these poems are of the double-scope network type. Studies have shown that Bahar and Shamloo have used the metaphor of despair and the metaphor of hope in their poems, respectively.