Eighth century, two figures of classical Persian poetry, HafezShirazi and ObaidZakani emerged. Lifein these twocases, the darkest and most disturbed periods ofthe historyof the IRAN. ...
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Eighth century, two figures of classical Persian poetry, HafezShirazi and ObaidZakani emerged. Lifein these twocases, the darkest and most disturbed periods ofthe historyof the IRAN. Their living environment as well asanxiety and seizures and a decline in all areas of social, political, cultural, moral and evenreligious. These conditions have a great effect on the thoughts of Hafiz, and Obaid traces it to reflect and there has been. According to the two, in terms of time and space homogeneous, and have lived in the area, a mong them there are many ideological homogeneity. There fore, this study investigated the issue of protecting intellectual assimilation and Obaid has been formulated. The assimilation and include such items as: humor, honor, praised the joint, like Khayyam ideas to take the opportunity to livea happy and drinking wine. This procedure is the use of library resources. That first Hafez and Obaid books study and review their thoughts and intellectual assimilation that is taking notes. In the end, assimilation classified, the results were compiled.
Keywords:Hafez,Qazal , ObaidZakani, Comparative study