mohsen hoseini; masoume farajpour
Line breaks is one of the lesser known aspects of music of poetry . The musical intervals AmongThe verse of a poem could be increased If this technique is used properly as well ...
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Line breaks is one of the lesser known aspects of music of poetry . The musical intervals AmongThe verse of a poem could be increased If this technique is used properly as well as Fore grounding the language and resonance of musical poetry .shafii in His most recent collection of his poems have been widely used this technique.The aim of this study was to investigate the Line breaks in Shafi's poem.By this study was clearly Determined the distribution of these categories are not the same in poem collections .For example,in collection of “dar setayesh e kabootarha” this technique has been used 96 times and as well as used 85 times in “sarve kashmar”This study also revealed the Line breaks have been made with three goals in his poetry. The fore grounding of Syntactic structures, the increase of rhythm of music of poetry, However Some of the line breaks fall among the unites of verse to give poems a particular appearance and to create visual images
Keywords: music of poetry, shfii kadkani, line breakes, Hezareye dovom ahoo ye koohi.