Imagery is one of the basic components of the formation of an artistic work. Fictional features that artists use to express their thoughts and ideas have roots in mystical and cultural ...
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Imagery is one of the basic components of the formation of an artistic work. Fictional features that artists use to express their thoughts and ideas have roots in mystical and cultural beliefs. Therefore there is a relationship between imagery features of different arts and these arts influence each other in using imagery features.Literature and painting have served each other from a long time ago. To have a better expression of the literary text, painting pictures were used in the margin of the manuscripts. In fact, painting was the visual expression of the literary text, and has illustrated the literary concepts by script and color. In return, literature was the abstract and mental expression of imagery feature.In Shiraz School's painting we can see a modern form of joining literature and painting. The painters of Shiraz School have innovated a special style in designs and made a deeper bond between the text and picture.Regarding the special bond of literature and painting of Shiraz School, we have studied the influence of the literary imagery features on the designs of Shiraz School. So, first of all, we have studied the relationship between the literature and painting, and then analyzed how literature influences the designs of Shiraz School.In this research we found a mutual relationship between the literature and painting. To achieve a comprehensive meaning of designs we should seek help from literary concepts. On the other hand, painting objectifies the literary concepts, too. In the designs of Shiraz School, the mutual and dialectical relationship between literature and painting has a visual impression on the designs of Shiraz School.