One of the greatest Iranian poets is Mollana Jallal Aldin Mohammad Balkhi. Mollana has explained facts in his poems so that they can t located in our understanding and in order to understand ...
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One of the greatest Iranian poets is Mollana Jallal Aldin Mohammad Balkhi. Mollana has explained facts in his poems so that they can t located in our understanding and in order to understand them we need to interprate them. Mollana stated his speaking so that we can find several meaning of them. According this survey has been tried to study history of collocative meaning technique. The reasons of usage this technique are explained by Gnostics. In thired untt is turned to consider callocattve meaning technique in lyric poems of shams. In order to study every poem at first we should know the out look of poet about the world and how use the language in his poems, so in this unit the out look of Mollana about the world is considered a ccording to his poems and speaking then the most important factors are explained in lyric poems of shams. Generally, we can devided the factirs of collocative meaning technique, in lyric poems of shams, in two types: contextual (internal) and discourse (external) factors. Purpose of intenal is imagery, symbole, fable, but, before it is turned to study syntagmatic and paradigmatic axes as a main factor for making collocative meaning technique, after that, the role of imagery, like metaphor are considered in making collocative meaning the chnique in lyric poems of shams.