A Comparative Study of Eshghi’s "Nouruzi-nâme" ("Epistle of a New Year") and Lâhuti’s "Nouruziyye" ("Gift of a New Year")

Document Type : Research Paper



A.                Sadrinia*

Tabriz University
Despite the useful researches on the literature of Constitution period (Mashrute), many details and aspects of it has not been studied and reported correctly. The two poems, "Nouruzi-nâme" ("Epistle of a New Year") of Mirzâde Eshghi and "Nouruziyye" ("Gift of a New Year ") of Abolqâsem Lâhuti are among the works of that period which have received the least attention of the literary critics and researchers of this age. These two poems which are similar in rhythm, form, rhyme and structure are composed in Istanbul during the migration of their creators to Ottoman during the World War (I). Despite their similarities in form, content, historical and geographical situations in which they have been composed, they have notable differences which make it necessary to study them closely. Among these two poems, Nouruzi-nâme of Eshghi is of great importance since it has modern inclinations, and sets aside the popular literary traditions and has the romantic inclinations, as well. Lâhuti's poem which is composed a year after Eshghi’s, on the occasion of the New Year of 1298 Sh./1337 AH, deserves more reflection on the political and social conditions in which the poet lived and also more reflections on the evolution of the poet's mind. In addition to the comparison of these two poems to find similarities and differences, this paper tries to study the rhetoric of these poems and to show how much they have deviated from the literary tradition. Their contents will also be scrutinized according to the political and social conditions of that time. 

* Associate Professor of Persian Language & Literature, baghersadri@yahoo.com


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