Document Type : Research Paper



Some linguistic theories propose useful possibilities for analyzing literary texts. Halliday and Hasan’s theory is an instance. These linguists understand the semantic, verbal, syntactical, or logical relationships among sentences as cohesion. Cohesion, they argue, in standard language has some elements that include grammatical, lexical, conjunctive, each of which includes some other minor elements. The aim of the present article is to investigate each of these cohesive elements in Asad Gorganis’ Vis and Rāmin. The results show that the lexical cohesion especially repetition and contradiction, and conjunctive cohesion especially extra conjunction have the most impact on cohesion and unity in Vis and Rāmin verses. On the other hand, other cohesive elements in Fakhrodin’s verse are significant and, when added to shortness of sentences, render Vis and Rāmin simple and understandable. The method of study is descriptive and the results are achieved by analyzing the verses in library and document research and each of cohesive elements are investigated by mentioning sample verse and corresponding repetition frequency.
Key words: Textual Cohesion, Grammatical Cohesion, Lexical Cohesion, conjunctive Cohesion, Vis and Rāmin


Main Subjects

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