Document Type : Research Paper



Pourgiv* M. Abdolahi**

        Shiraz University       Shiraz University of Medical Sciences
Common spiritual and emotional backgrounds of two artists sometimes lead to the appearance of some works which are unbelievably alike though their writers live thousands of miles away. One such example is the two poems "Ay adamha" by Nima Yushij and "He was not waving but drowning" by the English Poet, Stevie Smith in which the two poets use the symbolic drowning of a human being to confront those on the safe shore of life. This paper analyzes the two poems to find out the similarities and differences in the political and social views of the two poets, the narrative techniques employed and the tragic ending of the two characters. Smith's poem is more focused on the narrative while Yushij's poem is centered on the narrator.
*  Professor in English Language & Literature,
** Associate Professor in Persian Language & Literature,


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