Document Type : Research Paper
Studying beauty was at first scientific or experimental cognition but it was then changed into a theoretical knowledge; eventually, in the eighteenth century, it became an issue in philosophy. The science of beauty includes the science of aesthetic and its belongings provide norms for the interests in community through analyzing the emotional value of society. In the range of the science of beauty, aesthetics is the outstanding value and concepts such as beauty, grace, majesty, nobility, and holiness are all its synonyms. In this paper, the works of Sa’di have been studied based on the philosophical aesthetics; it has been found that he, in line with other philosophers, has studied the material and spiritual influence of beauty. In his works, Sa’di, in line with Plato and Aristotle, believes in the goodness and beauty and believes beauty to be a tool to modify human; so, in his works, he credits to ethic and moral virtues and offers intellectual guidelines for human happiness. He knows "beauty" to be a sign of the beauty of God and says that God is beautiful and, because the world is beautiful, it is the extension of the right qualities and appearance of names and attributes of God; therefore, the world is beautiful which, this idea, derives from his mystical views to the elements of the universe. In line with Aristotle, Sa’di believes beauty to be the fitness of components. In his view, good composition, moderation, gentleness, good stature, and harmony are the reasons of beauty. He sometimes believes beauty to be subjective, sometimes objective, and sometimes it is a combination of the two. Sa’di, in his work, focuses on the beauty of the sublime too; he is sometimes surprised by the size of things, and sometimes astonished by their being horrible and mysterious.
Keywords: Boustan, Studying Beauty, Platonic and Aristotelian Views, Sa’di, Golestan, Sublimity.
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