Document Type : Research Paper
Hossein Monzavi (1325-1383) is one of the greatest contemporary lyricists who pay many attentions to different kind of allusion and allusion is one of the most important characteristics of style of his poem's. Allusion is one literary techniques which Monzavi use to raise poem's beauty, brevity and effect. Monzavi has been engaged to using new allusion and recreating traditional allusions for the escape means of repeating, imitation and for extending allusion circle. Prophets tales have always been used by persian poets in order to create beautifull and unique themes and images .Prophets anecdotes are from expanded subjects that Monzavi considered to them. The base of these allusions sometimes is Old Testament (Torah, Gospel).The most refer to Old Testament (Torah, Gospel) in monsavi's poems related to tales of forbidden tree and last dinner. In this article, attempts are made to refer to these cases and study them.
Keywords: Hossein Monzavi, Contemporary poetry, Allusion, Prophets Anecdotes, Old Testament (Torah, Gospel)
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