Document Type : Research Paper
Aghahoseini* S. Zeraati**
Isfahan University
Allusive language is a language which uses symbol, allusion, codes, and allegory to convey meaning; in spite of being implicit, it is quite systematic and coherent. The basis of this hermeneutic language, which is against literal language, should be sought in the Quran and the quotations of Imams because most of divine concepts have been stated through symbolic and allegorical language in such a way that each person can receive some parts of it proportional to his understanding. In some commentaries of the Quran, there are some quotations which show special languages have been defined for common people, elites, prophets, and saints. One of the tales of the Holy Quran, which has been mentioned many times is the tale of Ibrahim (PBUH). He is one of Ololazm Prophets (prophets who possess firmness and determination) and great messengers of God. In the Quran there is an exemplary tale about him, whose symbolic dimensions have been mentioned in the form of fiction. The views of mystics and commentators towards this tale are different. In mystical texts different dimensions and characters of this tale have been used symbolically. Ibrahim and Ismail symbolize true Wayfarers and Azar and Nimrud represent obstacles against Progression. In this article the symbolic view of mystics to the elements of this tale has been explained.
* Associate Professor in Persian Language & Literature,
** M.A. Student in Persian Language & Literature,
Received: 08/31/2010 Accepted: 08/08/2011