Document Type : Research Paper
A. Mirbagheri* S. M. Hashemi** H. Safari***
Esfahan University
Due to the fact that in the rhetoric books, the subject of anastrophe and hyperbation is not offered in an orderly and fixed pattern, dealing with this topic-teaching, criticism, and analysis of works of art-is hardly possible. The aim of this study is determining the order and change in the positions of sentence components, which is the basis for studying anastrophe and hyperbation: Boostan-e Sa’di is used as the evidence for this analysis. The study will also discuss that in anastrophe and hyperbation, one can use the structure and literal meaning of the discourse as well as its secondary meaning to establish a relation with the interlocutor. Through underlining the new research findings in the field, the author has concluded that anastrophe or placing the subject at the beginning of the sentence is considered as one of features of Persian language, which makes the news appealing to the reader/listener. In addition, anastrophe of verb increases the speed of conveying the message. Moreover it is discussed that sa’di uses verb anastrophe because of his didactic motives to speed up the conveying of the message.
Finally the new forms of anastrophe and hyperbation, such as the distance between the noun and adjective, will be presented through the evidence provided from Sa’di’s Boostan.
* Associat Professor in Persian Language & Literature,
** Assistant Professor in Persian Language & Literature,
***Ph.D.Candidate in Persian Language & Literature,
Received: 9/6/2010 Accepted: 4/20/2011
تهران: مکتبهالعلمیه الاسلامیه.