Document Type : Research Paper
Arak University of Applied Sciences
Nowadays, critics have various opinions about the role of "voice"in the narration of stories. These opinions have been based on Bakhtin's defenitions of the dialogic structure of language in which the speaker and the listener form a relationship according to the context.Language, it is said, creates our individual identity. Dialouges that define this identity are the outcome of the variations of voice. That is, the voice enables us to know ourselves and it can change our character.Drawing upon Bakhtin's theories about "voice," this paper intends to analyze Shahriar Mandanipoor's stories. The paper deals with thirty two stories published from 1371 to 1382. In order to have a systematic analysis, the features of "dialouge" and "proposition" are first discussed and then excerpts of the stories are provided to present monologic and dialogic stories.The first hypothesis of the study is that Mandanipour has not always achieved the medley of voices in his stories. The purpose , therefore , is to find the causes of such quality.A close study of his stories reveals that the choice of "point of view" has led some of the stories towards dialogue, while some others are basically monologues.
* Instructor Persian Language & Literature.
Received:9/12/2009 Accepted:11/6/2010