A survey on reasons of the effectiveness of Hafiz's non-image poems

Document Type : Research Paper


Professor assistant/lorestan university


In most definitions that we have heard so far, imagination is the most pivotal force without which, many believe, no poem can come into being. On the first look, the major determinant of aesthetic beauty, pleasure, and effectiveness in many a poem is said to be the imagination. But if we pay closer attention to different periods of poetic history in Iran, we notice that many poems that are devoid of imaginative elements, have left their effect upon the elite and the public alike. The reasons behind the effectiveness of such lines of verse can be explained in terms of form and content. Form includes such issues as music(rhythm and rhyme), frequency of verbs, curt sentences, grammatical strategies that influence the  interpretability of the text, choice of words and their hidden relations. Content embodies deep comprehensive thoughts, senses and emotions, ambience and setting, thematic simplicity and rationality, decorum, effective descriptions, dialogues, conversational language, the affinity between the world of the poet and that of the reader, particular and popular themes etc. It can be said that on the whole, the most important and decisive elements amongst the features that we counted above, are senses and emotions. Emotion, sometimes on its own, and sometimes by enriching other components of form and content, can be said to be the major determinant of aesthetic beauty and effectiveness without which, other factors are rendered ineffective.
Keywords: Effectiveness, Imagery, Hafiz, Form, Content


Main Subjects

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