Document Type : Research Paper
Ferdowsi University
This article examines the myth of ascension in Iranian thought and its manifestation in Firdowsi’s Shahname. There are several ways of ascension in the spiritual world according to mythical beliefs: ascending by ladder, stairs, kite, spiderweb, rainbow, etc. For Iranians, ascending is achieved by climbing the Alborz Mountain. In this article, after describing the ritual features of Alborz Mountain in Iranian myths and in Firdowsi’s Shahname, the ascensions of a number of kings and heroes such as Fereydun, Zaal, Kay Qobad and
Kay Khosrow are considered. These heroes, in their childhood, ascend the Alborz Mountain which is the gate of Grothman (paradise). After that they become saviors who are to appear before Fareshkard, and are destined to fight against enemies. Finally, when they die, their soul rest again upon Mount Alborz, in Grothman.