Document Type : Research Paper


Dr. M. R. Amini
Shiraz University
In Iran the history of studying the different Persian literary styles begins with Sabkshenasi [stylistics], written by Malek Al-Shoara Bahar. Though by now a lot of books and essays are written, the methodology and structure of the same book still dominates the domain. Almost all of these researches have focused more on the literary and linguistics features of literary works or periods but the most theoretical aspects of the problem are ignored. This evident lack of a theoretical thought and discussion about the style elements is a great obstruction in discovering an appropriate methodology for studying the problem of style in Persian literary works. As one of the first steps to fill these gaps, the present paper tries to demonstrate the great role the concept of “choice” can play. First it is argued how the concept of “choice” and “choice threshold” can be defined and how it can enrich the theoretical aspect of the study of Persian literary style. Then the levels of “choice” and “choice threshold” in a literary work are studied. Finally the possible applicable uses of such a theoretical study in Persian literature are demonstrated. It is concluded that the concept of choice threshold can be applied sufficiently to study more precisely the literary and stylistic changes.


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