Document Type : Research Paper



"Ārash-e Kamāngīr" (Ārash the Archer) is one of the outstanding masterpieces within the domain of narrative poetry. By applying techniques of narrative time, Kasrāyī managed to immortalize the myth of  Ārash in contemporary literature. In this article, Gérard Genette's theory of narrative speed and different narrative movements including pause, scene, summary and ellipsis have been considered and a conclusion has been reached based on the findings of the study. In this book of narrative verse, the most frequent narrative movement is ellipsis, but from among the eight instances of description, five cases of summary and scene can be traced as well. Although the frequency of ellipsis is higher than that of description, in the end, the employment of powerful static descriptions dominates that of ellipses and summaries. Furthermore, narrative speed or narrative movement might invite a closer attention to certain events and render other incidents irrelevant.
Keywords: "Ārash-e Kamāngīr" (Ārash the Archer), duration, ellipsis, narrative, time


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