Document Type : Research Paper


In the present article, the researcher, first justifies Charles Sanders Peirce’s opinions, and accordingly goes through a semiotic analysis of Anvarī’s alphabetical rendering of his poems, and then surveys and discusses all of his alphabetical poems. The Peircean semiotics has a very close relationship with the prevalent rhetorical criticism in Persian language, but has higher interpretive potentials and leads us to conclusions that are more scientific. In this research, Pierce’s well-known triad of icon, index, symbol, and their evolutionary processes in Anvarī’s Divan have been investigated. The singular, linear and convoluted semiotic processes are the three categories recognized by the researcher. Finally, the researcher concludes that the iconic signs, in contrast to indexical and symbolic signs, have a higher degree of resemblance to classic Persian rhetorics. The alphabetical semiotics in Anvarī’s Divan is closely related to the subjects of poems and easily yields to interpretation. 
Keywords: Anvarī, Charles Sanders Peirce, alphabet, semiotics.        



Main Subjects

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