Document Type : Research Paper
The analysis of power relations, mostly influenced by the opinions and ideas of Michel Foucault, takes a given literary text as a site for social interactions, which in general manifests discursive power relations. Critical discourse analysis and Foucault's ideas about power reveal that in "Qasīdah of Tarsāyīah "(Ode of Christianity), Khāghānī has used his extensive knowledge of both Christianity and the various power relations in the social institutions of his time in order to produce a discourse, which deliberately challenges the religious, literary and political aspects of the dominant discourse of his time. The poet uses discourse as an instrument and a strategy to fight against the workings of power connected to a specific system of knowledge, relegating individuals into submission (assujettissement in Foucault terminology). Thereby, he seeks to demonstrate his scientific and literary superiority over rivals on the one hand and make the ruling political system accept his demand of freedom on the other.
Keywords: power relations, knowledge and truth, Qasīdah of Tarsāyīah, discourse, strategies of resistance, Christian faith.
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