Plentiful mercy; description of a Hafiz’s distich

Document Type : Research Paper



The distich “To the Lovers, wealth of both worlds as a barleycorn/ That, this is little chattel and that is plentiful mercy,” has been registered and interpreted differently in various versions of Hafez. This paper seeks to offer an overview of these interpretations and provide a correct reading and sound meaning for the distich. In available interpretations, two issues have been overlooked. First, two phrases of the distich, “little chattel” and “plentiful mercy,” refer to the Quran and mean, respectively, “the blessings of this world” and the “hereafter.” Second, the keh (that) at the beginning of the second hemistich has been taken to signify “for” by the majority of interpreters and “but” by a few others. In this paper, I argue that in the keh has an explanatory meaning: it associates its preceding words to the following sentence and adds an explanation. Hafez has frequently used this kind of keh and a number of them will be cited to back the argument.
Keywords: Hafez, little chattel, plentiful mercy, interpretation, keh (that)


Main Subjects

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