Document Type : Research Paper
1 P.hD of Persian Literature / Mazandaran University
2 َAssociated Professor off Persian Literature Faculty/ Mazandaran university
Generally, identity is a complex and multidimensional concept leading to identity appearing in various contexts with different effects. Changes caused by identity can be seen in the behavior of the person so that a specific person in different contexts can potentially behave with various identities and manners. Facing the “other” is an important approach in the social life of people. In such an encounter, choosing between tolerance and violence has a significant role; violence limits the “other” while, tolerance provides coexistence and cooperation for the people. The aim of this study is to investigate Sa'di’s approach to facing the “other” at two different contexts; as a teacher and as a lover. These two contexts are very important indices of Sa'di’s identity. Gulestan is an indicator of how Sa'di behaves as a teacher and Ghazels display how Sa'di is as a lover. Differences due to the approach of Sa'di about “other” can clearly be observed in these different genres based on the effect of contextual impact of identity. As a result, Sa'di as a teacher shows more violence to the “other” in comparison with Sa'di as a lover.
Keywords: Sa'di, Gulestan, Ghazels of Sa'di, Identity, Other.
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