Document Type : Research Paper
1 Persian Language and Literature Teacher/Education
2 Full Professor of Persian Language and Literature /Allameh Tabataba'i University
The Effects of Repetition on Creating Tone in Ghazals of Shams: Formalistic Approach
F. Yavari*
Islamic Azad University of Iran, Save Branch
A. Vafaei**
Alame Tabatabaei University of Tehran
This paper analyzes how the texture of the literary work and its elements such as word repetition, types of harmony, imagery, metaphor, pause, and stress create the dramatic, heroic, happy or sad tones in Ghazals of Shams. Tone has an interaction with the affective aspect of the work. In Russian Formalism, extra regularity is considered as a device of defamiliarization that highlights the literary text and in Ghazals of Shams leads to harmony. Augmentation principle in Ghazals of Shams is the result of phonetics, syllable, word and syntax repetitions manifesting the harmony and presenting innovation and tone. Artistic techniques in Molavi’s ghazals result in innovation in structure and form of ghazals giving identity to this literary masterpiece through defamiliarization, deviation, and abstract metaphors.
Keywords: formalism, extra regularity, word repetition, tone, Ghazals of Shams
* PhD Candidate in Persian Language & Literature,
** Prof of Persian Language & Literature,
Main Subjects