Document Type : Research Paper


    Interlocution and Dialogue in the Relationship of Hafez and God
F. Balou*            M. Nikfar**
Mazandaran University
One of the valuable achievements of mysticism in comparison with jurisprudence, philosophy and theology, is the specific definition of the man's particular you-I relationship with God turning it into a lover-beloved one reflected in the dialogues. On the other hand, some of the classic poets and mystics, contrary to the dominant discourse of mystical relationship of creature and creator which moves toward unity with man's surrender to God, have presented a relationship of arrogance, recklessness in addressing God that evokes the intimacy and independence of the interlocutors reminding one of continuity in Martin Buber's philosophy of interlocution and dialogue. In the lyrics of Hafez, the relationship between man and God goes beyond the relationship of lover and the beloved with Hafez opening the dialogue as a friend.  Sometimes he criticizes   God, the universe and creation.
Keywords: Hafez, God, Buber, the you-I relationship, interlocution


* Assistant Prof of Persian Language & Literature,

** M.A Student of Ancient Culture and Languages,


Main Subjects

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