Document Type : Research Paper
Literary Exploitation of Terminology and Slip of the Meter and Rhymes in the Construction of the Poem's Image and Content
M. Dehrami*
Jiroft University
Persian poets have used different fields in different periods to make images and themes. One of these is the creation of the theme and image based on poetic terms. The purpose of this article is to show various aspects of the use of poetic terms with an emphasis on terminology of rhyming which has been done by descriptive-analytical method. This research has been carried out on thirty traditional poets of different periods and has shown various creativity of poets in two categories: making the theme from terminology of rhyming, and expressing the literary justification when committing a slip. The use of poetry has been done for creating images and themes, cultivating meanings, transferring emotions and enhancing music. In the second domain, the poet refers to the deviations from the rules of poetry and using them for developing the meanings and making the theme; in this way, the poet reduces the ugliness of slipping and creates a field for your imagination. Fearing criticism, and accusing the poet of disability on the one hand, and restrictions of poetry on the other hand, the poet mentioned the literary justification when slipping in order to show his poetic competence.
Keywords: terminology of poetry, meter and Rhyme, image, Themes of poetry, Poetic slippage
* Assistant Prof. of Persian Language & Literature,
Main Subjects