Document Type : Research Paper
A. Atashsowda*
Islamic Azad University, Fasa Branch
This article analyzes the symbols of the story of Sheikh-e San'an, the most famous story of Manteq al-Taiyr written by Attar-e Neyshaburi. To this aim the symbols of the story have been redefined considering the narratives of Adam and Eve and their descent in the sacred texts. It seems that Attar’s aim is to present a romantic interpretation of human’s life story. Based on the textual signs it is argued that Sheikh-e San'an is the archetype of Adam, the Christian girl is the archetype of Eve, Mecca is the archetype of paradise, Rome is the archetype of earth, and the traveling of Sheik-e San'an from Mecca to Rome and his returning to Mecca is the archetype of the descent of Adam and Eve to the earth and their return to the paradise.
* Assistant Professor of Persian Language & Literature,