Document Type : Research Paper


 Hasanli* S. Mojarrad**
Shiraz University
In the last three decades, literary works have been analyzed through various critical approaches. One of these methods suitable for analysis of literary works is semiotics. "Signs are stable elements that join in theme" (Martin). In this study one kind of frequently used narrative, that is, mystical tale, is analyzed in order to show the function of signs. Attar is one of the poets who used tales in his works very much. One of the ways to determine Attar’s style is analyzing signs which have been used in the tales. In this research after analyzing five tales about prophets, these results were found: adjectives that show future of narration, adjectives that make atmosphere of oppositeness, using dialogue for making atmosphere, using adjectives that make main meaning of tale.
*  Professor of Persian Language & Literature,
** Ph.D. Candidate of Persian Language & Literature,


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