Document Type : Research Paper



Khosravi Shakib* Javadinia**

Lorestan Univeristy
Nima’s literary theory as an independent style attracted many followers. Akhavan Sales is one of those poets who follow Nima in form and social and political content of his poems. “Zemestan” is an important poem which is successful in imitating Nima’s literary theory with regards to formalistic features. The structure of the poem alongside its shocking theme fascinates the readers. One wonders about the huge success of “Zemestan”. What is the mystery which does not seem to exist in other poems of Akhavan? It seems that the success does not lie in the common theme but in the form and techniques embedded in its structure. Such elements as “realism and speculation”, “association of sense and emotion”, “dialectic of rejection with acceptance”, “orchestration”, “equilibrium and symmetry” and “creative ending” are more important in the accomplished process of this poem. This paper tries to discover the less familiar details of “Zemestan” in order to understand the mystery of its success.
* Assistant Professor of Persian Language & Literature,
** Instructor of Persian Language & Literature,


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