Document Type : Research Paper



Abdollahi * E. Amalsaleh**

Shiraz Paramedical School
Stephen Toulmin (1958/2003) has introduced the structures of the argument which he claims to be invariant; i.e. universal, in most disciplines. He maintains that argument structures consist of three main sections, namely, claim, support and background.   There are three other aspects of the arguments that, though might not be indispensible parts of an argument, can strengthen the argument. They are as follows: Rebuttal, which can support both claim and support or either of them; backing which tends to support the background and qualifier which affects the certainty of the writer of the claim. The present study aimed at finding the similarities and differences between the texts written by three authors of Ghajar era (Assadabadi, Talebof, and Malkomkhan) in postulating arguments. To fulfill this objective, Toulmin Model of Argument is applied to these three argumentative texts. The logic behind choosing these writers is that they are all considered to be very influential in enlightening movement during Ghajar era. It is worth mentioning that each of these writers is considered to be the representative of a different ideological mindset of their time, actively affecting the Constitutional movement in Iran.
* Associate Professor of Persian Language & Literature,
** Assistant Professor of TEFL, Asallehe@


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