Movement in the Thoughts and Poetry of Shafiee Kadkani (M. Sereshk): A Look at the Collections: Az Zaban e Barg & Kooche Baghha-ye Neyshaboor

Document Type : Research Paper



Ruhani* M. Enayati Ghadikalaei**

Mazandaran University
Pondering on any poem makes us familiar with the poet's mentality. Language structure, musical pattern, and other elements involved in the production of poetry make us close to the internal state of the poet's mind. In other words, internal state of the poet's mind affects the poem's superstructure. This paper analyzes the concept of 'motion' in the poems of Mohammad Reza Shafiee Kadkani, (M. Sereshk). Shafee is one of the contemporary poets whose poems are prominently dynamic in nature. This fact is especially manifest in his two collections "Az Zaban e Barg", and "Kooche Baghhaye Neyshaboor, revealing his revolutionary ideologies during the time he was writing them.This study tries to show the motif of 'motion' in Shafiee's two collections from the perspective of language structure, musical patterns, and imageries. The results of the study reveal that all of the elements have been strongly under the influence of the concept of motion. The language is rich in the usage of action verbs and adjectives extended by the poet's use of natural symbols. On the other hand, the music of the poems is very rich so that all four types of music (inner, outer, spiritual and nearby) can be found extensively. The poet also uses various literary techniques such as personification, and extended metaphor through which he has added to the poems' mobility and dynamic nature. Shafiee's poems are poems of hope, freedom, and movement.  Such dynamism reflects the poet's restless spirit effectively manifest in his two collections, "Az Zaban e Barg", and "Dar Kooche Baghhaye Neshaboor".
* Associate Professor of Persian Language & Literature,
** M.A. of Persian Language & Literature,


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