Document Type : Research Paper


1 Hakim Sabzevari University

2 hakim sabzevary


Conceptual Metaphor of “Sorrow” in Fakhroddin Iraqi
This research deals with metaphors of sorrow used in Iraqi's divan. The study's theoretical foundation is the conceptual metaphor theory, which considers metaphors more than merely aesthetic tools but an approach for cognition and thought. Fakhroddin Iraqi has used terms from objects, foods, plants, health, and sickness in order to describe many characteristics of sorrow. He has been able to present this abstract concept as tangible and objective. The current research tries to discover and describe the relationship between metaphor with the foundation of Iraqi intellectual world and thought. Using cognitive analysis of some category of metaphor of sorrow in Iraqi's divan, one can find that this feeling is described as visual, auditory, tactile, gustatory and olfactory. 


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