A Comparative Study of Facing up to Colonialism In Nasim Shomal and Ma’roof Al- Rosafi’s Poem

Document Type : Research Paper


F. Mirghaderi* H. Kiyani**

Shiraz University
Colonialism has always been a challenge in the East and several wise and capable people, especially poets, have tried to reflect their challenge against this issue in their works. Since Colonialism has different manifestations, challenging it also needs to be multidimensional. Nasim Shomal and Ma’roof Al- Rosafi were two of wise poets who have explained Colonialism for the people of their own land and those of other nationalities. This article comparatively analyzes Colonialism in the poems of these two poets according to the school of Eastern Europe. After discussing the theory of this research, the specific approach of the two poet's challenges against Colonialism are explained. Research shows that both poets have similar ways in order to challenge Colonialism. The most important ways are informing people, preventing ignorance, provoking passion in people and explaining their condition, inviting to associate, and opposing Colonialism, returning to the Islamic culture, and criticizing Colonialism in a satiric way.
* Assosiate Professor of Arabic Language & Literature, sfmirghaderi@gmail.com
** Assistant Professor of Arabic Language & Literature, hkyanee@yahoo.com


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