Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Shahrekord University, Iran

2 PhD student of Persian language and literature, Shahrekord University, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Shahrekord, Iran


One of the poets who have a special place in the poetry area of Persian literature, especially the poetry parts of ethics, is Ibn Yamin. The prominent features of this peasant poet are contradictions in attitude and writing, and with a profound view of his poetries in many of them one can find out the conflict in the worldview of poet, which is obviously expanded through the industry of contradiction throughout all his poetries and used this industry as the subject and purpose of the aesthetics and expression of the themes. In this paper, the main question is: How much and why Ibn Yamin used the contradiction of his thoughts and speeches, and what is the relationship between his contradiction and his contradictory? The results of the study showed that the poet in this approach was strongly influenced by the instability of personality and spirituality, especially in his temporal and spatial position, because in time perspective, the era of poet is considered as the age of the whole chaos in Iranian history and In terms of location, the poet's place of residence has been a tumultuous place; as a result of these internal and external disturbances, the poet's words were also influenced and seems confused, especially in his worldview, Including dealing with the world, determinism and fanaticism, rhetoric and knowledge of poetry, admonitions, meditations, criticizes and misunderstandings has been reflected and led to industry of contradiction be the most prolific poetry literary poet.


Main Subjects

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