An Attempt to Draw a Narrative Pattern in Biddle's Masnavi

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.d student

2 ferdowsi mashhad university


   In his Masnavi, Bīdil has seriously addressed human beings as a pivotal character. Human beings, his dimensions and existential potentials are among the most important concerns of the poet. To Biddle, all manifestations of existence lie in human "perception". In his stories – where there is only one single central character – Bīdil narrates the journey of human in search of his own existence. In this journey, he finally realizes that there is nothing beyond the scope of his own “perception” and “existence”. This makes man the sole truth of the universe. The study tries to show what sort of relationship Bīdil establishes with his hypothetical reader, as a “typical human”, and how he achieves this by drawing on the potentials and power in his narratives. This is carried out by examining the various aspects of narration in Bīdil’s longest stories. In fact, this study, in order to draw a pattern of Biddle's narrative at various layers of the story, along with examining the relationship between the "story" and "discourse", examines the relationship between the narrator, the single pivotal character of the story and the hypothetical reader.


Main Subjects

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