Discourse and textual analysis of Rumiʼs Quatrains

Document Type : Research Paper


zabol university


In analyzing Rumi's quatrains (Rubaiyat), the researcher has followed the discourse and textual construction proposed by Lotfallah Yarmohammadi applied to studying Khayyam's quatrains. To accomplish this, first, Rumi's quatrains are divided into two categories, Motemaken and Maghloob, and then the structures used in them are studied and analyzed. Most of Rumi's quatrains are classified as Maghloob, which is often uttered in moments of ecstasy, discovery and intuition. In the Maghloob quatrains, when the poet talks about "He", he implicitly talks about the truth, the beloved or Shams Tabrizi. These quatrains contain a kind of romantic and mystical theme. In contrast, the Motemaken quatrains concern general and philosophical issues about God, human beings and the universe. However, while, with regard to the constituent structures, these two types of Rumi's quatrains enjoy the same structures (such as description, recommendation, explanation, supplication, wish and prayer), considering their conceptual and content framework, they are different. In both types of quatrains, the description structure is considered the most important and pivotal structure, and since in this structure, the poet himself is in the position of the messenger and often expresses his condition, both at the time of being conscious and at the time of discovery and intuition, the direction of the message is towards the speaker and the tone is emotional and lyrical.


Main Subjects

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