Document Type : Research Paper


1 Islamic azad University

2 Persian language and literature professor in Shahid Beheshti University.

3 Tehran

4 psychologist


Shams’s lyrics can be called Mowlana’s mystical, romantic experience of the world (inward and outward), which is reflected from Rumi’s attitudes and thoughts and influenced by his self-concept. Accordingly, in this study, we define the lyrics as Rumi’s self-portrait. We are going to present a sense of identity in this self-portrait as far as possible by analyzing lyrics with a psychological approach. In order to analyze the content of lyrics, the first step is to set up and define a cognitive model as personal interpretations based on a number of methods as: self-concept, real self, self-ideal, possible self, schema, self-expression, and social-expression, in accordance with the principles of psychology and based on that, by analyzing the lyrics, the sense of identity and level of its usage in poet’s mind and tongue and writing of his relic like Rumi’s lyrics get evaluated. Finally, by analyzing the data using the scientific method, we have shown that the self-identity components in Rumi’s lyrics are changed, and through the path of spiritual journey, they are positively, valuable, and has been adopted in a unique way with positive and growth-oriented self-expressions.


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