Reflecting on the recording and description of some verses of the Shahnameh

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Persian Language & Literature. Shiraz University , Iran

2 Department of Persian Language & Literature. Shiraz University


Ferdowsi's Shahnameh is a marvel on which the more we reflect and contemplate, the more we confront its linguistic dlicacies and nested meanings. Shahnameh is Ferdowsi's masterpiece which is easy to read but, at the same time, difficult to understand.  In spite of the fact that ther are numerous explanations to the book, along with independent articles written to unfold some of its ambiguities, there are still a number of couplets whose authenticity is in question and hence cannot be recorded. In addition, the commentators' explanations on some of the verses are not acceptable. In this article, having analyzed some verses of Shahnameh edited by Jalal Khaleghi Motlagh, as the latest and best edition of Shahnameh, the researchers have found some inefficiencies and ambiguities in the description of certain couplets. This is either due to the insufficient attention paid to the texture of the text or due to the inaccurate recording of the couplets. Therefore, after critically scrutinizing the recording of some couplets, the researchers, first, have given some suggestions for a more accurate recording of the couplets. Then, after critically reviewing the descriptions of some of the couplets, an attempt has been made to provide a more appropriate meaning by giving reference to the intratextual and extratextual resources.


Main Subjects

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