Analyzing Non-Poetic Components in Shamloo's Prose Poetry

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 Isfahan - University of Isfahan - Faculty of Literature & Humanity Science - Persian Language & Literature.


Ahmad Shamloo is the main representative of prose poetry in the contemporary Iranian literature. Numerous articles and critiques have been written on the various aspects of his poetry. Most critics have used Shamloo's own poems as the verification of the representation of prose poetry; Thus, It is noticed that, except in few cases,  most studies carried out on the strengths and virtue of his poems,the weaknesses and defects of his poems have not been the focus of studies. Hence, so far, no article has independently and scientifically traced the non-poetic compenents of Shamloo's poetry. In this article, an attempt has been made to examine factors such as the transformation of poetry into fiction, prose, comedy, rhetoric, report, and literary pieces, as well as his entanglement of mere conceptualism and self-projection, leading his poetry to slipping into non-poetry. The present study has adopted descriptive-analytic approach. Having collected and analyzed  library resources,  the researchers have found eight elements of non-poeticnesses in Shamloo's poetry.


Main Subjects

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