Document Type : Research Paper


Mythological narratives are always mysteriously connoting wonderful symbols which are very telling of the desires and wishes of the ancient men who try to find answers for the mysteries and ambiguities of the world. One of these astonishing phenomena is the metamorphosis of different creatures to other creatures. This metamorphosis is the fruit of creativity and is the indication of different mental, social, lingual, temporal, and spatial manifestations of men in ancient times. These metamorphoses, in mythological texts, sometimes become very outstanding and special. In Tusi's Garshasbnama and in the narrative of "Sistan's Construction", the metamorphosis of man's blood to the snake is one example of these metamorphoses. Referring to different examples and analyzing them, this paper tries to show the mysteriousness of them. This paper—referring to some allegorical and paradoxical concepts such as survival, authority, existence, stability and strength—tries to justify the creation of a snake from man's blood. The existence of this phenomenon in Tusi's Garshasbnama proves the antiquity of this great mythological poem and is a sign of the mysterious narratives in ancient, Iranian myths.



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