Document Type : Research Paper
Among the creators of literary texts, Khwaja Shams al-Din Muhammad Hafez-e Shirazi has a prominent and supreme position. This superiority and great eminence is because of several factors that Hafez and his greatness. In creating his literary works, Hafez has employed various artistic techniques which are related to firstly, his approach towards language, secondly, to his method of collecting the words as well as ordering and arranging them in the chain of speech. Many researchers have done their best to enter the mental and linguistic realms of Hafez' poems. Though most of these efforts have achieved valuable outcomes, "the endless and eternal story of Hafez" is at the beginning of its way. Every day his works are observed from different viewpoints and new efforts are being done to describe and interpret his goals and meanings, especially to demystify the enigma of "the delicacy and elegance of Hafez’s Speech". The power of Hafez in calling upon the words and combining them in the chain of speech as well as his intellectual associations are crystal clear for the researchers. To demonstrate one of his capabilities, the application and artistic relation between these two words, heart (del) and ringlet (zolf) are examined in Divan of Hafez. In Divan of Hafez, these two words have been used almost seventy eight times (per two hemistichs) together and also in association with each other; though each time with different interpretation and meaning. In this study these artistic applications will be classified into twenty two categories whose analysis and investigation is the main goal of this paper.