Attar –E- Nyeshaboor and Recreation of Desires by Hallaj and SHeikh-e- Sanaan

Document Type : Research Paper


personality of the narrator but the most of its character and personality have been iteranced, both in the works that have been created directly by himself and in the works which have proceeded to recreation of personalities and events. Attar as a great narrator, who is the creator of preducable literary works in our gnostic-narrative inheritance, is not exception in this rule.
Purpose of this article, according to the main works of Attar, is proving that reasonably and documentary, Attar's major and primary purpose of creation of Sheikh Sanaan in Mantegh Al-teir and other works, is recreation of desires and goals especially superior ego and self-native by the creation and expanding of these two characters, one who has a complete visual face and the other one who is in the border among legend and reality.
Indeed, through these two works, Attar is recreating all of his desires, demands and wishes, had them all in his mind and soul. Which was not able to realize them, because of special cultural social, political situations of that time, so cute and beautifully, and at the heart of these tales and through them sitting aside to view his own self-realization.


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