Document Type : Research Paper
Assistant Professor, University of Sistan and Baluchestan
Describing and praising her lover and expressing her characteristics are the main pillars of poetry and rich literature, but sometimes because of living in a particular geography such as Afghanistan, she speaks for her lover according to the customs and traditions of that society. The poet and the writer are limited.
But over time, a number of poets and writers have been able to capture the pen and portray their feminine feelings on various subjects, including the beloved. Among these Afghan women poets and writers is "The Mirror of Heroes", a brilliant 14th century AH woman. Which depicts the beloved in two facets (facial, facial, eye, etc.) and positive or negative esoteric (with faithfulness, disbelief, arrogance, bad faith, etc.) And she whines about her frustration and failure to reach her lover.
The authors intend to explore the beloved in the poet's divan through library method and content analysis, to look at the beloved's esoteric characteristics and esoteric character from a woman's point of view in a specific social setting and to provide readers with a love for the culture in this area.
Keywords: richness, Afghan poetry, mahjoubeh heravi, beloved, etc.