Document Type : Research Paper
Intuition is the crux of all mysticisms. In Mathnavi, intuition is a crucial matter. Rumi has depicted intuition in different forms such as inspiration, acumen, dream and occurrence. Generally speaking, revelation in Mathnavi is divided into two groups: physical and spiritual revelations, though each has its variations. These intuitions are sometimes in accordance with V. T. Astis' theory of intuition. Astis divides the mystics' intuitions into two categories: Exterior (heavenly) and Interior (soul) (Spiritual) states. This paper investigates the revelations in Mathnavi in the light of these two states proposed by Astis and also discusses the common features such as objectivity, the feelings of trust and faith, and happiness. However Astis errs in some aspects as some Islamic revelations are not in accordance with his theory. Moreover, the special characteristics of Exterior and Interior (Spiritual) states are studied here. In the end, it is concluded that not only are the intuitions mentioned in Mathnavi corresponding to some western mystical patterns, but they are also unique and in some ways are superior to western mysticism.