Document Type : Research Paper


1 department of persian literature.faculty of literature and liberal arts.shiraz university.shiraz.iran

2 persian language and literature department.literature and liberal arts faculty. shiraz university. shiraz. iran


Famous as “Little Hafiz,” Faghani Shirazi is a well-known poet of the ninth century considered one of the leading lyricists of this era. His poetry has been edited and published by Lalamathar Dehlavi in the subcontinent and Ahmad Soheili Khansari in Iran. However, after that correction, so far more than twenty manuscripts of Baba Faghani's Divan have been found, some of which are more authentic in terms of antiquity and accuracy compared to the versions used by previous proofreaders. In spite of the identification of these versions of this divan, no efforts have been made to correct the lyric poems or verses of this divan. In this study, the shortcomings in the texts corrected by Lalamathar Dehlavi and Soheili Khansari have been recognized. The most important of these shortcomings are incorrect selections and readings, the absence of some sonnets and verses, weight and rhyme problems, spelling errors and typographical errors. The authors of the paper have tried to explain the need for re-correction of Faghani Khansari Divan while reviewing the method of correcting previous correctors and providing examples of existing problems.


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