Document Type : Research Paper


Shiraz University


Numerous writings have been published about Hafiz's poems, however, this prominent poem still provides opportunity for new research. For the first time, the topic of "threat" in Hafiz's poems is investigated in this essay. In order to open a new window on a deeper comprehension of the mind and language of this mystical spokesman, we applied classified content analysis and thorough analysis of threatening poems. To accomplish this, we read The Divān of Hafez (Ghazvini and Ghani edition) and selected verses that have a threat-related connotation or denotation.Then we analyzed them from a variety of angles, including their speech acts, verb types, threat types, addressees of threats, reasons for threats, reasons for supporters of threats, effects of threats, and how threats are expressed in the context of Hafiz's Ghazal as a whole, both implicitly and explicitly. Study and analysis of the various threats found in Hafez's poems demonstrate that he possesses an inner strength with which he threatens religious foundations, praised issues, lovers, and others.


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