The role of Qalandariya"s deviant subcultres in their isolation, based on persian Qalandari quatrains

Document Type : Research Paper


1 the student of yazd university

2 professor of yazd university



Qalandariya is a distinct group with specific subcultures, and isolation within the society is one of them. To determine how the subculture gets acctualized is the goal of the present study in interdisciplinary field of Sufist literature and cultural sociology. This investigation bases on library studies. It applies descriptive analytical method and content analysis approach. The text corpus includes Persian quatrains due to the significance of this form to Sufism. The time zone is from the beginning to the 8th century (A.H.). The subject is limited to the field of cultural sociology, excluding the religious elements. The findings show that Qalandars achive their summoned seclusion despite being among the people by their deviant sub-cultures. The mentioned sub-culture gets determined by comparing it to the dominant culture of the main society, including the culture of the non-Qalandari Sufi community. Regarding sociology of literature, the most critival subcultures that contribute to the deviation of Qalandars’ life from the customs and social habits of the people are as follow: their different and incomprehensible language for the ordinary people and its mixing with profanation, reticence and extreme silence, their infamy and reproaching while trying to be inoffensive, gladdening to people and even preferring being exposed to oppression than being tyrant, celibacy and turning their back on the culture of marriage, family formation, and intercommunicate with relatives, constent trips and permanent displacement and wandering aimlessly in markets and different places, crazy life and especially sudden shouting for no reason, mysterious behaviour with slyness and cleverness, begging despite claiming to be ignorant to others wealth, reckless consumption of cannabis and opium.


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