Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Payam Noor University, Iran

3 Encyclopedia of Persian grammar and calligraphy, The Academy of Persian Language and literature, Tehran, Iran


In the history of Persian literature, no poet can be found whose details are as important as Hafez's poetry. Throughout the history of commenting on Hafez's poems, many of his lexical, syntactic, literary and content points have been discussed, and each commentator, in his own way, has taken a step towards solving the difficulties of his poetry. Of course, we should not ignore the fact that there are some concepts, phrases and words whose accurate understanding plays an important role in understanding Hafez's poetry. One of these important cases is the phrase "Maye Baghi " in the third sonnet of Divan according to alphabetical order. Examining the provided interpretations shows that most of the commentators have proposed the meaning of "the rest of liquor" for this phrase. A meaning that does not create a problem in understanding the meaning; But it seems that it does not match with the general mood of the poem. Therefore, in this article, which is written in an analytical-descriptive method, using the model proposed by Michael Riffaterre for the heuristic reading of the poem, this sonnet of Hafez was reread, in this way, while extracting the dominant concept in it, a meaning documented by textual evidence. to be presented for the phrase " Maye Baghi ". Therefore, sonnet was divided into five separate sections and after examining the accumulations and dual confrontations, the concept of "superiority of cash, permanent and real over credit, impermanent and unreal" was identified as the matrix or semantic axis of the Ghazal. Based on this matrix, it can be said that Hafez's purpose of using the adjective "Baghi" for liquor is to express the durability of its effect.


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