Threatening and Meanning-Creator Other in Persian ‎Contemporary Poetry: ‎ A Case Study of Shams Langroudi's Poems

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Persian language and Literature, FFaculty of Language and Humanities, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran



Although humanism is one of the main approaches of existentialism, and human has the meaningful place in this philosophical tendency, one of the main concepts of existentialism is the other; This concept, as a being who is aware of his existence too, has been enormously reflected in literature. The results of this study showed that the concept of the other is significantly reflected through tow main approaches in the poetry of Shams Langroodi, one of Iran's most important contemporary poets. The poet in his negative look toward the other, with topics such as threatening and limiting the freedom and possibilities of the other, domination, turning in to mass or perceive the other as a mass, and falling off from the authentic I-you relationship to I-it, reflects a set of concepts which can be found in the opinions of some existentialist thinkers, and in general, is a pessimistic look, and in the other hand, in his humanistic and optimistic approach deals with the central and meaningful presence of human, which leads to and authentic I-You relationship, and even has a profound effect on the way the phenomena unfold. From the numerous examples it can be argued that both concepts can be regarded as the main existentialist concepts of Shams Langrood's poetry.


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