Discourse “Sheoubi" in Ferdausi’s narrative (Based on the discourse analysis of Ernesto Laclao and shantal Mouffe)

Document Type : Research Paper


tehran - farhangian university



The discourse of Shuabiyyah was a reaction against the non-Iranian rule that started around the first century and continued to the sixth and seventh centuries of the Islamic calendar. This article analyzes the Sheoubi discourse in the Ferdowsi period based on the model of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe's discourse analysis in the narrative of Shahnameh. How and why the struggles of Iranians are made clear in the context of the Shaoubi uprising, especially in Ferdowsi's period. With the conflicts of the populist discourse and non-Iranian sovereignty, the populist discourse in Ferdowsi's narration is redefined and elaborated with the signs of justice, authority, wisdom and patriotism around the semantic core of "restoration of Iranian sovereignty". Ghaznavi's political domination and the ideological system of Baghdad's caliphate are introduced as discursive. Highlighting the identity and patriotic concepts, with the marginalization of ideological and economic discipline, opposes the rival discourse. In order to achieve "liberation" from the ideological rule of the Baghdad caliphate and non-Iranian political rule, Shaoubi's discourse reproduces the theory of Iranian rule "Arman-Shah". The political agency is fighting against foreigners and non-sovereignty with the free subject of the " Rostam " the political subject fights against the enemies and the aliens to achieve this ambition and discouragement, and will never accept captivity or demeanor against foreigners.


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