Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Farhangian University, Iran.


The enchantments of Hafez, which have attracted many readers have inspired ‎many researchers to conduct numerous researches about the secrets of these ‎globalizer and immortalizing charms. Despite the abundance of such researches, it seems that ‎there are still undiscovered secrets and unknown codes about the constant and ubiquitous ‎effectiveness of Hafez's poems that deserve recognition. Reflecting on Hafez poems, especially ‎the verses that are more capable of interpretation, indicates that in some of these verses, a ‎common noun is the center and basis of extensive interpretations. Examining numerous samples and comparing nearly seventy seemingly similar verses indicates a linguistic skill, during which a key word with two morphological characteristics (knowledge and meaning) provides the basis for various interpretations of the desired verses. The unlimited meaning of the central word and its simple application in the studied technique (without complications arising from the interference and influence of literary industries and difficult and far-reaching rhetorical techniques) while attracting numerous readers from different classes and strata, which can bring the interpretative capacity of the context verses to the peak and make it possible to read these verses beyond the borders of time, place and language. By examining these verses in the framework of the freest hermeneutic reading (reader-centered reading) and comparing the discussed method with the Hafez's developed ambiguity, an effort has been made to clearly explain the ability of this method to develop of interpretations.
Interpretability, Implication, White reading, Common name, Hermeneutics.


Main Subjects

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Islaminodooshan, Mohammad Ali (2015). "The untranslatability of Hafez". Hafez research, Volume 9, 19-26. [In Persian]
Jahedjah, Abbas and Rezaei, Leila (2017). Rhetoric (1). Tehran: Payam Noor. [In Persian]
Khairkhah, Saeed (2014). "Glove of illusion (the extent of illusion in Hafez's poetry)". Literary Aesthetics, No. 5(19), pp. 113-93. [In Persian]
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Sayadkoo, Akbar (2015). "Rhetorical-artistic use of pronouns referring to this and that in Hafez's poetry". Applied Rhetoric and Rhetorical Criticism, No. 1 (1), 41-58. [In Persian]
Selden, Raman (1999). Guide to literary theory. Translated by Abbas Mokhber. Tehran: Tarh e now. [In Persian]
Shabani, Aziz (2016). "An overview of interpretation and polysemous aspects of Hafez's poetry". Hafez research, Volume 10, 113-121. [In Persian]
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