Document Type : Research Paper


1 persian Language and Literature. Literature. university of hormozgan. bandar abbas

2 , Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature Department, University of Hormozgan

3 Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature Department, shiraz University

4 Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics, University of Gilan


The concept of war and its related interpretations is a significant aspect of the lyrical genre of romantic poetry. The concept of cuteness and showmanship in romantic relationships is explained using war-related forms and elements. This research investigates the function of love and war conceptual fields in Fayez Dashti’s couplets. This study utilizes qualitative and quantitative analysis to examine Fayez Dashti's couplets through the theoretical framework of conceptual metaphor, as established by Lakoff and Johnson (1980). The study findings, presented as desk research, demonstrate that out of 494 couplets by Fayez Dashti (1988), 131 couplets include at least one essential aspect of the war field. This abundance, which is obtained from the expansion of 79 clear cases of war relations, in support of the indices of inter-domains and metaphorical consequences related to the field of war, as well as the details that sometimes arise from the cultural-climatic conditions, is the theme of a significant part’s couplets. The result from this perception clarifies that the symbolic interpretation of these songs within the context of "Love is War" necessitates a continuous examination of the input fields and the metaphorical outcomes associated with the central metaphor.


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